Wednesday, July 28, 2021

You don't have to be young to succeed in anything


You don't have to be young to succeed in anything.

Yes, you heard me that right!

Many people think you have to start early to succeed in any endeavour, especially business.

That is so untrue!

Ray Kroc who helped expand McDonald's as a global franchise worldwide started at the age of 53...

Colonel Sanders founded KFC at the late age of 66!

Robert Kiyosaki founded The Rich Dad Company at 47.

While Sam Walton started Walmart at 42.

And last but not least, Ian Fleming started writing James Bond series at the age of 45!

So, if you have a calling and a burning desire to succeed, start NOW, even if you are above 60!

Ignore those toxic people who tell you that you won't succeed at old age!

Sidestep their negative energy, and move forward to victory!

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Several Traits of successful Business Leaders

1) They have Vision of what they want to achieve in the long-term. It does not matter to them if they are losing in the short-term, as long as they are winning in the long-term

2) They always think laterally and outside the box. If they can't find a way out for solutions to any problems, they will invent a way out

3) They work super hard, at least 12 hours a day, every single day

4) They are persistent in their drive towards the destination. They don't give up in any effort to succeed

5) They read a lot to sharpen their mindset and learn from the failures of other entrepreneurs and investors

Friday, July 23, 2021

Richard Branson: The World's Greatest Serial Entrepreneur

The World's most celebrated serial entrepreneur is undoubtedly Sir Richard Branson, British-born dyslexic who did not excel at school.

However, he succeeded in forming a string of companies under the Virgin Group, his Conglomerate...

Companies which are spread out globally including Australia and South Africa.

For comprehensive biography of Branson, please click here.

For quotes by him, please visit here.

Business Founders and Visionaries Think Big

Bill Gates thought of having a personal computer in every home before he started Microsoft.

Jack Ma thought of a business platform that would connect enterprises in China with customers in the US. Years later, he founded Alibaba, the biggest IPO in human history!

Jeff Bezos meanwhile thought of having a business that would sell millions of book titles via Internet. 2 decades later, he became the World's richest person with the net worth of over USD 200 Billion. He is the Founder of Amazon, the World's largest internet retail marketplace.

I can cite dozens of other examples of visionaries who think big.

Why is thinking big prevalent among the business visionaries?

Why is it important in founding business ventures?

Thinking big is the initial fire that is kindled to motivate employees of such ventures to work hard until they achieve the vision of the founders.

Thinking big sets the vision and what to achieve in the long-term.

Those who think small can hardly found any business ventures of significance!

Only those who think big can make it happen. Remember, thinking big must be supported with massive action.

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Infopreneurship: A Path to becoming a Millionaire


Infopreneurship is known to have produced many Millionaires all around the World.

What is infopreneurship exactly?

Infopreneurship is one form of entrepreneurship that revolves around delivering information to readers wherever they may be.

An infopreneur must know how to write or have access to ghostwriters who can write on his behalf.

Writing books can be in the form of fiction or non-fiction. Both promise millions of dollars for average infopreneurs to succeed offline and online, if done right.

Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) on Amazon and Smashwords have made it simple and easy for independent authors to self-publish their works and make a lot of money selling their books.

Authors who market their books at $1 USD usually could make it to the best-sellers list quite fast and become Millionaires at shorter time.

The Number 1 Habit of Successful Business Leaders


What do you think is the Number 1 habit of successful business leaders?

That leads them to make profitable business decisions and learn about failures and successes of other entrepreneurs and investors?

It's the habit of READING!

Read this...

Bill Gates reads 1 book per week at least.

Warren Buffett spends 80% of his time reading business books and newspapers everyday.

Oprah Winfrey owes her financial success to the habit of reading that she acquired since the age of 3.

Do you know that countless Millionaires and Billionaires were produced from reading especially the writings of Robert Kiyosaki and Napoleon Hill?

Yes, books such as Rich Dad, Poor Dad and Think and Grow Rich really impacted the lives of millions of entrepreneurs and investors globally not just in the United States!

Reading writings of Kiyosaki for instance is like seeing the light after so many years of ignorance, being ignorant of the mindset and strategies of the Rich.

Friday, July 9, 2021

Above everything else, preparation is the key to success


The title above is actually taken from a quote of Henry Ford, Founder of Ford Motor Company.

It stresses how important preparation is before starting any business ventures!

Sam Walton who founded the largest retail store in the World, Walmart, bought a retail franchise first and succeeded as a franchisee, years before he started Walmart. His experience as a franchisee in retail business taught him a lot about success in the retail world.

Thomas J Watson made preparation first for 5 years before he made a move to combine 3 companies into the famous International Business Machines or IBM.

Before you embark upon your action to turn your dreams into reality, prepare first by having a mentor who has done it all in business. 

If you can't find a mentor, indulge yourself in reading. Reading can help you learn from the failures of other entrepreneurs and investors. Reading can lead you to success!

The Importance of Vision in any Business Enterprise


Do you know what's the most important thing that matters to Business Founders and Visionaries?

It's simply VISION!

Sam Walton, the Founder of Walmart, the largest retailer in the World, said 'Capital isn't scarce, Vision is'. And he died the richest American.

And the Founder of IBM had his Vision for what he wanted to build 5 years before he opened the door for business.

The same goes for Walt Disney. He had Vision for his business years before he founded The Walt Disney Company.

Bill Gates said 'Vision is the easy part'. Vision is the end Goal for any business venture, although it's the easier part compared to action, it's still more important than action. It's like Millionaire Mindset and Millionaire Strategies, where the former precedes the latter in significance!

Outstanding corporations like Amazon, Apple and Microsoft still exist and thrive globally because the Founders had Vision before they even started business, and they continue to pursue the Vision.

You can make a lot of Money with infoproducts


Can you become a Millionaire with infoproducts? 

Of course you can!

Many Millionaires were created just via infopreneurship, in either Fiction or Non-Fiction.

You don't need to have a Bachelor degree in English to be a writer. I was dyslexic as a child and used to get a 'D' for my writing at high school.

You can always hire a ghostwriter to write e-books for you on your initial infopreneurship journey to financial freedom!

Hiring a ghostwriter is always the best option to become a Millionaire via infopreneurship. That's how many Authors became best-sellers. They hired ghostwriters to turn their ideas into reality.

That leaves to marketing your Books. 

Amazon made it possible for any average writers to make a lot of money with their books via a programme called 'KDP Select'. 

Basically, it makes the E-books that you wrote free to read for readers, and then pays you for every page that is being read!

To the Rich, Play is Work and Work is Play


The self-made Millionaires and Billionaires usually work hard.

Do you know why?

It's because they regard work as play and play as work.

They enjoy their work so much that they don't mind working for longer hours, unlike the average like us!

In the initial years of Microsoft, Bill Gates is said to be working for 18 hours a day. He even slept in his office!

Steve Jobs also worked really hard that he even slept in his office too.

The same with Elon Musk, Larry Ellison, Richard Branson, etc.

Until you reach the point of working super hard, you will never be a Millionaire or Billionaire!

Warren Buffett who is the World's richest investor reads everyday for at least 6 hours a day. And he considers reading a pleasure not work anymore!

The Rich create streams of passive income


The Ultrarich from Andrew Carnegie and John D Rockefeller to Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffett and Bill Gates were and are creators of passive income.

Passive income is a form of income that is life-long and recurring after it's created.

Examples of passive income are property rentals, book royalties, etc.

It may take a lot of effort and time to create a stream of passive income initially, but after that you will not have to work any longer, and money come into your bank account relentlessly!

The Rich with regards to Assets


Forbes measures a person's wealth by his net worth, which is his assets minus his liabilities. Forbes does not look at his depreciating doodads like boats, cars and yachts in measuring wealth.

More money does not make you rich, because oftentimes the more money a person makes, the more he tends to spend!

It's acquiring or building assets that makes a person rich!

That's why the Rich invest either in businesses or stocks, and real estate, as well as other forms of assets like cryptocurrencies, book royalties, etc.

The Rich spend time building up passive streams of income that create assets, not active income (like having a job with salary that requires their presence).

The 2 Most Famous Books on the Millionaire Mindset


As you know already, having Millionaire Mindset is the Number 1 key to being a Millionaire; in fact it precedes Millionaire Strategies.

As stated by Jamie McIntyre, a financial guru from Australia 'being a Millionaire is 90% Mindset and only 10% Strategies'.

Before implementing Millionaire Strategies, you must learn how average Millionaires think, and this way of thinking is extremely precious in guiding them to create wealth from nothing and preserving them!

There are 2 most important works I discovered on the Millionaire Mindset.

The first one is Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. It is a classical work on wealth creation and had been an influential book for many Millionaires and Billionaires across the World.

In the Book, Hill interviewed more than 500 Millionaires to uncover their success secrets, and he finally presented the secrets inside the Book.

Think and Grow Rich can be accessed in audio format here.

The second one which is much more recent is Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. It is considered the Number 1 Personal Finance Book of all time!

In the Book, Kiyosaki really opened our mind to the thinking of the Rich and contrasted it to the way the Poor and Middle-class think. He also criticized our present educational system which he thinks cannot produce the Rich, rather only the Poor and the Middle-class. 

He claimed he obtained his way of thinking from his Rich Dad, ie the father of his best friend, while he learnt about the Poor think from his educated real Dad.

Rich Dad Poor Dad can be accessed in audio format here.

Successful Millionaires embrace Failures!


Successful millionaires and billionaires, especially amongst the entrepreneurs and investors did not fear failures. Instead, they regard failures as feedback and an opportunity to begin again!

Before getting financing for his Walt Disney World, Disney was turned down 302 times. Colonel Sanders, the founder of KFC was rejected 1009 times before finding a taker for his chicken recipe.

Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba Group was rejected countless times when he applied for different jobs. He didn't make a single sale in 3 years of setting up his first internet business venture.

Nonetheless, those failures did not stop the visionary founders from achieving their dreams. In fact, failures strengthened their character and emotional as well as financial IQ!

9 Boring Businesses That Will Make You A Millionaire

In the age of flashy startups and high-tech ventures, many entrepreneurs overlook the goldmine hidden in "boring" businesses. Thes...