Friday, July 9, 2021

The 2 Most Famous Books on the Millionaire Mindset


As you know already, having Millionaire Mindset is the Number 1 key to being a Millionaire; in fact it precedes Millionaire Strategies.

As stated by Jamie McIntyre, a financial guru from Australia 'being a Millionaire is 90% Mindset and only 10% Strategies'.

Before implementing Millionaire Strategies, you must learn how average Millionaires think, and this way of thinking is extremely precious in guiding them to create wealth from nothing and preserving them!

There are 2 most important works I discovered on the Millionaire Mindset.

The first one is Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. It is a classical work on wealth creation and had been an influential book for many Millionaires and Billionaires across the World.

In the Book, Hill interviewed more than 500 Millionaires to uncover their success secrets, and he finally presented the secrets inside the Book.

Think and Grow Rich can be accessed in audio format here.

The second one which is much more recent is Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. It is considered the Number 1 Personal Finance Book of all time!

In the Book, Kiyosaki really opened our mind to the thinking of the Rich and contrasted it to the way the Poor and Middle-class think. He also criticized our present educational system which he thinks cannot produce the Rich, rather only the Poor and the Middle-class. 

He claimed he obtained his way of thinking from his Rich Dad, ie the father of his best friend, while he learnt about the Poor think from his educated real Dad.

Rich Dad Poor Dad can be accessed in audio format here.

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