Saturday, November 4, 2023

Ahmad Nor Biography

Born with dyslexia and raised in both Malaysia and the UK by quite negative surrounding, the boy Ahmad was wanted so much more in life. This negativity later proved to be a great factor in his ambitions.

Although a straight-A student back in his high school and college years, Ahmad was always a rebel towards the traditional school system.

Even with this, Ahmad sought personal success, looked to live a comfortable life by investing in himself to ultimately create wealth.

Training very hard himself to become an excellent writer despite being dyslexic, he did all of this including his commitment to education despite his rebellious attitude just to make his parents proud.

Ahmad used to get a ‘D’ for his English writing, and now he is an Author of more than 12 Books!

Growing up in an environment with negative family and friends, who never had the millionaire mindset just might be the best thing that has happened to Ahmad. Though, he didn’t see it at that time.

The journey to his dreams wasn’t a very smooth one. Older, Ahmad ventured into endeavors that nothing came out of it.

Does he let it stop him?

Maybe for a minute but he got back to it.

You could say that there is power in the mindset. He grew up wanting something better, and that mindset was his biggest resource. He knew it would be difficult because his family gave him an idea of how difficult it will be.

No, he doesn’t claim to have special powers or came from outer space. He’s just the ordinary guy.

Being a straight-A student didn’t mean he knew exactly what to do.

Let’s be honest here.

The traditional schooling system never truly prepares us for what is out there. It punishes students for failures when in fact failing is a huge part of success.

Failure tells you more about succeeding. It tells where not to look or consider. It tells where you need to go next. Does the traditional school prepare you for that?

Of course not!

It doesn’t prepare someone to acquire wealth. Instead, it’s a breeding ground for people who will end up in the middle classes.

We are taught Arts and Sciences when the world out there doesn’t need even half of that.

We are taught by academicians and professors when the world is dominated by business individuals and investors.

You see, being a straight-A student wasn’t necessarily a tool for him.

Do you know what was? His determination.

So, if he can do it, succeed and create wealth from scratch, then what makes you any different?

That’s right. Nothing. Establish that mindset, hustle. Yes, like Ahmad, you may fall but get back right up and never give up.

Today, Ahmad Mokhzani Bin Mohd Nor is a researcher, investor, entrepreneur, and author. He runs a very successful e-commerce store dropshipping products for Amazon and eBay. He has stakes in the real estate industry and both Malaysia and the US stock markets.

Another of his business endeavors is founding AMACapital Corporation and AMALand Holdings. The former deals with different businesses in Malaysia while the latter owns several commercial and residential real estate also in Malaysia.

Know that before he even started this particular business, he failed initially. The 2 Corporations were intended to be Holding Corporations for assembling the profitable businesses and estates in Malaysia.

The same goes for his dropshipping business. Everything wasn’t as easy success for him.

Ahmad isn’t just focused on building wealth. As a Biblical and Islamic futurist, he predicts the future based on the Bible, the Quran as well as the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad and Nostradamus. On this alone,  he has written 6 books on the end-times and the emergence of the Antichrist!

He is an avid reader of diverse disciplines and subjects, especially business and comparative religion.

One book that Ahmad acknowledged had a huge influence on him was ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad’ by Robert Kiyosaki. This financial momentum was like discovering a light. The book has been guiding Ahmad to become a successful entrepreneur and investor.

He goes by the pen names Daniel Levy Nor and Darius Lucas Nehemiah writing books on Commerce, Motivation, and Personal Development as well as Conspiracy, International Relations, and Religion. Let’s just say everything he has learned in life, Ahmad wants the World, you, to learn from it all.

Ahmad Nor has successfully authored 12 Books on Business, Personal Finance, Antichrist, and Comparative Religion, which can be accessed at Daniel Levy Nor and Darius Lucas Nehemiah.

He is on his way to becoming a millionaire and financially free, and spends his precious time guiding others to become rich! Exactly as he had dreamt!

So can you also.

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