Wednesday, July 14, 2021

The Number 1 Habit of Successful Business Leaders


What do you think is the Number 1 habit of successful business leaders?

That leads them to make profitable business decisions and learn about failures and successes of other entrepreneurs and investors?

It's the habit of READING!

Read this...

Bill Gates reads 1 book per week at least.

Warren Buffett spends 80% of his time reading business books and newspapers everyday.

Oprah Winfrey owes her financial success to the habit of reading that she acquired since the age of 3.

Do you know that countless Millionaires and Billionaires were produced from reading especially the writings of Robert Kiyosaki and Napoleon Hill?

Yes, books such as Rich Dad, Poor Dad and Think and Grow Rich really impacted the lives of millions of entrepreneurs and investors globally not just in the United States!

Reading writings of Kiyosaki for instance is like seeing the light after so many years of ignorance, being ignorant of the mindset and strategies of the Rich.

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