Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Several Profitable Niches of Infopreneurship

Image result for health

Below are several niches that an infopreneur can base their writing on and that will make plenty of money:




Weight Loss


Healthy Eating


Dating Advice


Real Estate

Stock Market




Finding a Job

Panic Attacks




Internet Marketing

                                                                  Ahmad Nor,

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Learn from your Mistakes

Traditional school system abhors failures and making mistakes. 

A straight A student is often regarded as smart, but in life and real business world in particular, it is those who failed again and again, it is them who were the most successful and became millionaires and billionaires.

In business world, the straight A students usually work for C students...

I am not saying that traditional school is not important. It is important if you want to be academicians and professionals.

However, if you want to be rich, you must adopt the mindset of the rich. One of the features of the rich mindset is you have to let yourself make as many mistakes as you can and learn from them...

Bill Gates said 'Success is a lousy teacher'.

Jack Ma used to say 'If you don't give up, you still have a chance. Giving up is the greatest failure'.

The Founder of IBM was once asked 'What is the secret to IBM's success?'. He replied 'Double your rates of failure'.

Elon Musk said 'I have lost many battles'.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

The Weaknesses of our present Educational System

A lot can be said about the weaknesses of our educational system at present.

And these weaknesses occur globally, not just in the West.

The weaknesses are:

The present educational system is so exam-oriented that it stifles creativity among the students.

It also punishes students for making mistakes; whereas in the real world especially business mistakes are important in invention and innovation.

It stresses so much on memorization of facts not on imagination and innovation. Albert Einstein who was also against the exam-oriented education had this to say 'Imagination is more powerful than knowledge'.

It produces academicians and professionals like doctors, lawyers and engineers only, and is useless in producing successful businesspeople, entrepreneurs and investors. That explains the fact why so many successful entrepreneurs did not do well in school.

It does not educate students to think laterally or outside the box. We need more lateral thinkers in business, science and life, not just logical thinkers.

It does not instill emotional IQ among the students, but just mental IQ. Emotional IQ is more important than conservative mental IQ in predicting business or scientific success of a person. Research has proven that many students with high mental IQ but lack emotional strength, fail in real life, while looking for employment or running a business.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Several Successful People who did not receive high formal education


Below is the list of geniuses and self-made Billionaires who did not reach College or were College drop-outs.

They are:

Bill Gates (Harvard drop-out, Co-founder of Microsoft and a Centibillionaire)

Buckminster Fuller (Harvard drop-out and a Polymath)

Henry Ford (Never reached high-school and Founder of Ford Motor Company, died leaving more than USD 200 Billion)

John D Rockefeller (Never reached College, and is the Richest person in modern history, died leaving USD 409 Billion, Founder of Standard Oil)

Leonardo Da Vinci (Never reached College, but the most gifted polymath in history)

Mark Zuckerberg (Harvard drop-out, and Founder of Facebook, as well as a Centibillionaire)

Michael Dell (College drop-out, and a Multibillionaire, Founder of Dell Corporation)

Richard Branson (Never reached College, Founder of Virgin Group and a Decabillionaire)

Steve Jobs (College drop-out, a Co-founder of Apple, died leaving USD 10 Billion in Net Worth)

Thomas Edison (Only 3 months of schooling, an entrepreneur and inventor, Founder of GE, the most productive inventor ever in human history)

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

The Self-made Millionaires always avoid toxic people

It is obvious that all self-made millionaires always avoid toxic people in their quest for wealth and financial freedom.

Toxic people drain their positive energy and decrease their motivaton and drive to succeed!

Heading towards their financial victory always means cutting off their relationship with toxic old friends, and creating new circle of positive ones, especially the rich positive people...

Becoming rich means becoming a new person, a person with new positive friends...

Friends who share the same passion towards financial freedom...

Friends who don't mock at your dreams...

Friends who listen to you and support you with empathy towards your vision!

Monday, August 9, 2021

Warren Buffett is the World's greatest Stock Market investor


Warren Buffett is the World's richest Stock Market investor by net worth. He has a net worth of USD 100.6 Billion by April 2021!

Buffett is Chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, a dying manufacturing company that he bought via stock market a few decades ago, and turned it into one of the World's largest conglomerates...

He uses value-growth investing to buy companies, great companies, at undervalued prices; which he learned from Benjamin Graham and Philip Fisher. Graham is the father of value investing, while Fisher is considered the father of growth investing...

Lately, Buffett was more interested in buying companies outright, instead of shares of companies at stock exchanges...

He considers himself a business analyst not a security analyst; he considers buying shares like buying a business...

For more information on Buffett, please visit here.

For quotes by Buffett, you can access here.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Only Street Smart Education can produce Millionaires, not Formal Schooling


Countless Millionaires and Billionaires did not finish high school or college, yet they are very successful business-wise.

And there are countless college graduates who could not find suitable jobs, forget about starting new businesses or investing in other people's companies...

It all comes back to mindset.

Our formal schooling trains students to become academicians or professionals and to look for employment or become self-employed.

It does not prepare to produce entrepreneurs and investors!

Entrepreneurs and investors are created by what I call 'Street Smart Education'.

This kind of education is the one that produced 'practical' entrepreneurs and investors who are successful in practice and become millionaires and billionaires.

To gain Street Smart Education, I recommend that you find mentors who had been there and become successful in business, or if you can't find them, read books about their failures that had been written by them or other people...

Their failures are much more important than their successes!

In the words of Bill Gates, the Founder of Microsoft, who stated 'Success is a lousy teacher'.

Street Smart Education is about making mistakes or failures and learning from them!

Our formal schooling punishes students for making mistakes, yet in the real world, only by making mistakes can we become more successful in business and life in general!

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Persistence is the Number 1 Trait that separates Successful Entrepreneurs from Unsuccessful ones


In Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill stated Persistence or Perseverance as the first trait of 500 successful Millionaires that he interviewed. The Book is mainly about Persistence, followed by other successful traits such as Leadership, Passion, etc.

Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple is of the opinion that what separates successful entrepreneurs from unsuccessful ones is PURE PERSEVERANCE!

Jack Ma, founder of Alibaba quoted that 'Giving up is the greatest failure'.

Make as many mistakes as you can in business, and learn from those mistakes or failures, and you're on your way to success!

Persist in facing every challenge that you encounter, and one day you'll become a Millionaire or Billionaire...

9 Boring Businesses That Will Make You A Millionaire

In the age of flashy startups and high-tech ventures, many entrepreneurs overlook the goldmine hidden in "boring" businesses. Thes...