Wednesday, February 17, 2021

The Multimillionaire Mindset That Leads to Financial Success

All of us are dreaming to become millionaires someday, and human nature has provided us with the ability to make decisions.   However, how to make these decisions are all up to us. 

From experience, we know that making the right decision is critical to our success.  Some decisions aren't as important as others.  However, creating a mindset that utilizes strategic thinking is the only way that will lead to the creation of strategic decisions for strategic planning in all areas of our lives.

Developing a mindset that can catapult you to financial success is the only way to earn wealth aside from getting it through inheritance.  It could also be the only way to sustain your millions once you have them. 

The right mindset comes from thinking positively, self-awareness, continuous learning, skills development and enhancement, and creating productive habits. Hard work is also significant to improve your lifestyle and habits.

Without the right mindset, a person can neither have the strength of character to attain his goals or continually improve and enhance his skills to sustain his sources of income.

Thinking well like a multimillionaire will serve you well in life, and not just limited to earning millions. 

Unleashing that millionaire mindset in you will help you get rid of bad habits and develop the characteristics that attract success in whatever it is that you focus on.  

With the right mindset, you can achieve your goal of making your fortune via the following investment channels

·        Entrepreneurship (Startup and Digital Transformation)

·        Real Estate

·        Stocks Investing

·        Trading (Cryptocurrencies, FOREX, Futures Contract, and Options Trading)

·        eCommerce

Once you have unleashed that millionaire mindset in you, you can’t simply get back to where you were before. 

Learning to control yourself, increasing your knowledge, and enhancing your skills to develop what it takes to earn huge profits is not easily learned nor sustained unless you have this deep intent to make it. In all things, the right intention and consistency in action are what set apart millionaires from ordinary people. The will to take steps to make it happen even when it means sacrifices and hard work is the key to achieving access.  

With your millionaire mindset, you are your best resource – the secret success formula. You can easily equip yourself with all the tools to manage yourself and your business and the insurance against all risks that may threaten your wealth generators.

How to Develop a Millionaire Mindset to Help You Earn Your Millions

If you aspire to be a multimillionaire or even a billionaire at some point in your life, you need to have a clear intention of why you want it. Many successful businesses and investors would teach you that success is not about the money but what the money can do for you.

Start With Your Vision

You must be very clear on your WHY – as in, why do you want to earn at least ten million in the soonest possible time? What will be the positive impact of achieving it and the negative impact it will bring if you are not able to attain your goal?

When we have a clear vision of what is about to happen, there is an exponential increase in the inspired action that we are about to take towards achieving this particular goal.

Successful people, regardless of what business they are into are always clear on the impact and legacy they’re building. The greater you connect to that impact, the more will you will have to do even with those inconvenient and uncomfortable things that result in rapid growth and big.

Furthermore, multimillionaires are living in the “now. Instead of putting things off, they immediately take action, regardless, of how scary and impossible it may appear at the moment. Knowing that what you’re doing is right when combined with the “now” mentality is sure to push you to achieve what you greatly desire.                                          

Know Your Passion

When you are passionate about what you do, it’s not working at all for you. The love that you have for what you do allows money to inevitably flow towards you. When you have this mindset or shifting your mindset to loving what you do will provide you extra powers to pursue success through your passion. This is what gives you the consistency in doing things that you have committed yourself to accomplish.

Cultivate a Growth Mindset

Millionaires and billionaires endlessly pursue personal growth hence; they are coachable. Most often, when one seeks wise counsel, they negatively respond to feedback. 

Recognize the fact that a coach sees you and your business from an outside perspective. Place your full trust and confidence in your coach, for he has the wisdom and the outlook which you lack at this point. 

The more willing you are to accept feedback, the faster your business and investment will grow, and the more you are near to earning your millions.

Focused on Providing Solution to Target Market Needs

Identify the problem that your business is solving – being focused on solutions means that you can see a solution to an issue that others failed to see. So, in any crisis, the mind of a millionaire knows that there is always a solution to any problem. Regardless of any circumstances, they can see opportunities behind every issue. For them, even failures had their benefits. It is only a matter of trying to see what is behind every issue to identify the solution.  

By focusing on the solution instead of the issue, a positive mind is not easily rattled in a situation that may easily derail others. So the bigger you grow, the greater are the risks, responsibilities, and problems. 

Millionaires are excited to find solutions because they know that helping people is the key to success.

Evaluate Risks Against Profitability

A business always entails risks and profitability, which is why a successful leader makes sure that they weigh all pros and cons before making a decision, and, when they do, they make sure that the profitability always outweighs the risks.

Continue Learning

Life is a continuing process, and so is a successful business or investment. If you want to maintain what you have gained, you have to go on learning. Life itself provides you with the wisdom and knowledge you need through your experience or those of others who gained mastery in the industry before you. Whatever learning process you have to undergo, continue learning, and consistently learn from failures for mastery is perfected through them.

Hone Your Leadership Skills

Focusing on your leadership skills can create a dramatic shift in your personal life and business. As you grow and enhance your leadership skills, the more you are attracting people with leadership potentials in your business organizations.

People who have the right mindset think like a millionaire even before they become one, and by doing so, they attract the necessary resources to help them achieve success.

If you want to be a millionaire, start with the right mindset. Think like a millionaire so you can have what a millionaire has, for this will allow you to take the inspired actions that a millionaire takes. The end process is SUCCESS, which transforms you into what you dream you become – a TRUE MULTIMILLIONAIRE!

Isn’t it time for you to start developing a millionaire mindset?

Charity: The Greatest Money-making Secret

Elizabeth W.Dunn, and Michael I. Norton, of the University of British Columbia and Harvard business school, were selected to spend money. During this process, a certain amount was assigned to spend on others and themselves. Results revealed that people who spend money on others experienced happiness.

From the description above, we have shown how the benefits of giving go beyond the simple feel-good factor. In today’s world, charity is one of the greatest money-making secrets. I’m sure you’re wondering how? Yes! It may sound awful, but reports found that donating to charity improves health and wellbeing.

Islam, Christianity, and other religions place a great emphasis and reward on giving charity in secret. While this money is given, the organization put money in reserve. It's no doubt that excess cash is allocated. Today, a lot of philanthropists are competing with countless billionaires to talk about charity.

In fact, Microsoft co-founder and philanthropist Bill Gates visited the Daily Show with Trevor Noah. They talked about the importance of international aid and philanthropy. Since getting rich or attaining financial freedom is essential, how do you go about that? The secret is to put money into perspective.

However, you’ll have to decide whether or not you get fulfillment from charity organizations. It feels good to make a difference in the lives of others. At the same time, you can be very generous in making your cool cash. Investing in charity is a worthwhile endeavor, but you can also be richer being a charity.

Less poetically, the idea is this: Giving makes you rich. On the other hand, it quite backward-sounds to economics that charity is the greatest money-making secret. You obviously need to have money, right? Or in the pithy words, would you love to have money without being a Good Samaritan alone?

Why Charity is The Greatest Money-making Secret

According to the Volunteering in America report from the corporate for National and Community Service, the percentage of people who volunteer their time to a good cause every year is 30%. Now, you can make your way from these fundraising events. Below are the reasons why you could make money.

      You can raise more than $1 million from annual gala events

      Selling a product for the cause is a moneymaker for many charities

      Advertising and promotion can expand a charity’s reach leading to more profit

      Celebrity endorsement can multiply the impact of making more money

      It brings a lucrative revenue stream when charities launch a cookie sale to raise money.

Furthermore, when every cause seems like a worthy one to people, it’s essential to have a strategy for giving that is proactive rather than reactive. Meanwhile, you don’t need to compromise the purpose of the charity organization. So, ensure the giving or organization has the most impact through fundraising.

Bottom Line

Understand what your donation achieves and listen more than you speak. Examine your relationship with philanthropists and source for funds through various means. With this, you can make 2021 a year of real, lasting progress for your charity organization.

The Wealth Secrets of Sam Walton, Founder of Walmart

An idea that was wholesomely developed by Sam Walton was hired to make his brand a successful one. He was an American businessman and entrepreneur who had a net worth of over $8.6 billion at the time of his death in 1992. The real explanation of his success was the courage of conviction he applied.

However, Sam never planned to build Walmart. So, he decided to start a single-store merchant in rural Arkansas in the 1950s. He is an energetic man with a boundless love of people and retail, as well as a work ethic that needed to be fed. Besides, he ran a variety store and thought he could be successful.

Walton couldn’t really think beyond nine stores because he loved the process. Moreover, he loved ringing the cash register, greeting customers personally, scooping the ice-cream, and his shop always looks attractive from the street. Walton wasn’t much interested in finding out what his competitors did wrong.

As such, he drove and flew all over America on the quest to find good ideas for competitive advantage. Those who worked with Sam summed up his ambitions and desires. They disclosed that he just woke up every morning with a need to make something better. Now, let’s walk you through the secret behind his wealth.

Even though he didn’t initially dream of building one of the great American business empires, he was a competitive man. So, in the course of running the business, many stores went up. Walton kept testing his methods of quality service and kept exploring the industry to maintain firmness. Read further!

So, if you’ve been surfing the internet to know the secrets behind Sam Walton’s wealth, look no further. Here’s the right place. We have compiled a wealth of secrets that would allow you to run your business effectively and achieve a desirable goal. Below are the secret to what can make you successful in this modern world.

  • Sam commit his business and believed in it more than anyone else
  • He treated his associates as partners and got them personally invested in the business
  • Sam Walton motivated his partners as money isn’t enough to do that. More so, he encouraged them to have fun while working
  • He communicated everything the business need and hand over bonuses to customers as of when due.
  • He applied the method of celebrating your little wins. To him, you’ll need to find creative ways to have fun and enthusiastically celebrate successes.
  • Listen to everyone in your company and find ways to get them to talk about the company’s progress
  • Always exceed your customer’s expectation and appreciate them

Bottom Line

If these secrets above worked for Sam Walton, they could definitely work for you. Do you have any tips for running a business? Apply it now and work towards achieving your dream. Nonetheless, ignore conventional wisdom and look for ways to do things differently.  Finally, you can apply your new approach and become one of the wealthiest businessmen in today’s world.

The Stock Market Investing Secrets of Warren Buffett, the World’s Greatest Stock Market Investor

Warren Buffet has made enough money in his life history that warrants him to gain public attention. Having a process and sticking with it through thick and thin is one of the things that contribute to an average successor. Buffet himself didn’t follow the crowd but used his strategy for a long-term result.

However, studying the success of investors like Buffet is a cottage industry. As one of the most successful investors in history, it is good to explore the principles and the secret strategy that the renowned business tycoon applied. He is a dedicated student of investing, and he stays true to his principles.

Warren Buffett said, and I quote, “when I buy a stock, I think of it in terms of buying a whole company, just as if I were buying a store down the street.” This implies that Buffett analyses the businesses they invest in and follow the symbols or brand of successful corporate houses for sales consistency.

More so, he followed the rules stating that you only buy something that you’d perfectly happy to hold if the market shut down. To Warren Buffett, the business is like a weighing machine that’s assessing a company's substance. So, if you don’t feel comfortable owning something, then you don’t buy it.

Now, we have revealed the stock market investing secrets of Warren Buffett. If you’d love to be successful as a business man, reading the investing secret is crucial. The distinctiveness among Elon Musk, buffet, and much other business man is not what they do but how they run their business.

Furthermore, you’re seeking to create a financial plan; therefore, it is impossible to achieve success without visualizing out a goal on paper. So, start early, save and then invest continuously. Similarly, in investing, each investor is different sine you have to stand out among others. Below are the stock markets investing secrets of Warren Buffets, the world's most significant stock market investor from inception.

·         Look at the quality of your business and not the profit you make during the process

·         Check thousand of stocks around and look at the very high bargains

·         Scrutinize how well management is using the resources you offer in the business

·         Warren Buffett always stay away from the hot stocks in which its attention is catching

·         Buffett disclosed that one needs to know how much money you’ll make before jumping into any investment packages

·         People tend towards loss aversion, so don’t convince yourself when you’re in a loss

·         Buffet stays true to his principles even when he’s unpopular

·         Warren Buffett improved his communication skills through training, and he reads for hours each day

Bottom Line

Debts constitute a significant setback when you’re running an investment company. Therefore, you need to stay away from such an occurrence. That means your financial goal must be able to cover for loss when there is a crisis. Through this, you’ll become productive and have more credit score, free income, and many more.

The Stock Market Investing Secrets of Carlos Slim Helu, the World’s Richest Person In 2018

In this 21st century, the number of successful billionaires is not completed without mentioning Carlos Slim Helu. He was ranked as the wealthiest person in the world by the Forbes business magazine. Carlos Slim derived his fortune from his extensive holdings in a considerable number of Mexican companies.

Also, Carlos is a business tycoon with a net worth of $73 billion as of March 2013. Meanwhile, Slim’s business portfolio diversifies, including the stock market, real estate, insurance, oil and gas, telecom, and many others. Besides, he made a significant effort in the U.S as he purchased 3% of Apple for $17 a share.

One of the strange things that led to Carlos Slim's achievements is that he made a significant fortune during one of the economic recessions in Mexico. However, his strategy was to find relatively healthy companies that were undervalued due to negative sentiment. Guess what! He found his way and became confident.

He invested in the stock market and became the first world’s richest man from a developing nation. More so, his parents launched one of the leading Arabic-language magazines for the Lebanese-Mexican community. At the same time, Carlos is a technophobe, and this contributes to his success.

4 Investing Secret of Carlos Slim Helu

Everyone knows how Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and many others achieve their life goals. But Carlo's success seems to be more of a mystery. In this article, we will walk you through the stock market and other investing secrets of Carlos Slim Helu. Without further ado, here are the four secrets of Carlos investing.

1.      Simple Organizational Structures

Simple organizational structures are one of the secrets of Carlos Slim Helu's achievements. Always have simple organizational structures, and minimize hierarchical levels. Meanwhile, provide human and in-house development to the executives for better productivity.

2.     Maintaining Austerity in Good Times

Maintaining austerity in good times strengthens, capitalizes, and accelerates the development of the company. In fact, it increases productivity, and drastically reduce problem when there is a crisis. Not only that, but the size of the owner should limit the company.

3.     Reinvesting Profits

From Carlos's success story, it is known that money that leaves the company evaporates. That’s why there’s always a need to reinvest profits. Organizations wouldn’t want to fold up; that’s why this method is necessary to succeed.

4.     Corporate Creativity and Optimism

Corporate creativity and optimism in no doubt solve societal problems. Besides, this is what led to Carlos's achievement. His company adopted firm and patient optimism measures as a step to move forward. Not only that but also believed that there’s no challenge the company cannot overcome.

Bottom Line

Emotional strength and stability are in the interior life of the business. What the business tycoon does is to look up for guidance and inspiration to follow their dream.  So, if you’re ready to explore the world around you, don’t be afraid to try something new. When you stop pursuing your invention, achieving your goal may be somewhat tricky.

The Internet Startup Secrets Of Jack Ma, Founder of Alibaba Group

Jack Ma is one of the IPO in history as a founder and chairman of Alibaba group.  Also, he’s now the richest man in China, worth an estimated $29.7 billion. This includes his 7.8% stake in Alibaba and a nearly 50% stake in payment processing service Alipay. Besides, grew up poor in communist China.

History made it known that he failed his entrance college exams twice and was rejected from dozen jobs, including KFC, before finding success with his third internet company, Alibaba. To him, he knew nothing about technology and even marketing. So, what does he know that made him successful?

Indeed, Ma, who originally planned to be a teacher, backed into the idea of running a tech company. The idea originated when he first encountered the internet in 1995 on his first trip to the United States. Surprisingly, he inspired himself and encouraged his employees, and that contributed to his success.

However, Ma started his first internet company in 1994. In early 1995, he went to the U.S on behalf of the municipal government with colleagues who had helped introduce him to the internet. Thereafter, he created a website with his friend, and the website was launched at exactly 9:40 Am.

In less than few hours of creating the website around 12:30 PM, he had received emails from some Chinese investors wishing to know more about him. This was the time Ma realized the internet has a great thing to offer in the modern world. From 1998 to 1999, he headed an I.C.T company in China.

Furthermore, Jack Ma quit the job and returned to Hangzhou with his team to found Alibaba, a China-based business-to-business marketplace site in his apartment. This process featured 18 friends as he started a new round of venture development with 500,000 Yuan. Sound interesting?

Internet Startup Secrets Of Jack Ma

While jack Ma started as an English teacher where he earned $12 monthly, there are lots to understand from his success story. Meanwhile, Harvard rejected him ten times, and he was turned down for jobs in several companies. Without further ado, here are the leading strategies and secrets Ma put in place.

·         He focused more on the people he was serving and didn’t give up on his tech company

·         Ma spent most of his time thinking about the future with a saying; think differently is your power.

·         Jack Ma spend more time on his customers, investors, and competitors

·         The business morgue go motivated by pop culture

·         Jack bombarded himself with ideas in his everyday life

·         He created a firm brand name that differentiates him from other companies

Bottom Line

Jack Ma, through his experience, shows how any entrepreneur can be successful. The startup secrets are the tips to improve your business knowledge and increase productivity during business meetings. Nonetheless, a cluster of ideas can muddle up the way ahead and blur your sight. So, never give up and instead, work on how tomorrow will be sunshine.

The Entrepreneurship and Investing Secrets of Jeff Bezos, Founder of

Jeff Bezos, the founder and CEO of Amazon has played a crucial role in the growth of e-commerce. As of 2020, he was the wealthiest person on earth, with his fortune eclipsing the wealth amassed by Microsoft Corp. Also, Bezos made the top spot of Forbes magazine’s 2020 list.

Now, what’s Jeff's investment secret? Well, as digitalization reshapes human, Amazon is the leader in online retail. Bezos became a millionaire in 1997 after he raised $54 million through Amazon’s initial public offering. Besides, he founded Amazon as an online bookstore but always plan for expansion.

He left his job in 1993 at D.E Shaw to start Amazon from his garage. Thereafter, he received an estimated amount of $300,000 from investing in Amazon from his parents. To expand his business, he shifted to offer music, videos, and other consumer goods in 1998, while in 2002, he led the company to launch Amazon web.

The company nearly went bankrupt in 2002, but it rebounded in 2003 after distribution center closures and workforce layoffs. They launched Kindle in 2007 and disclosed AmazonFresh that allows Prime members to order groceries online and get their goods delivered as soon as the same day.

The success story behind Jeff Bezos's achievements cannot be overemphasized. This is because there is countless investing secret he employed to achieve his goals. Through an interview, Bezos revealed the timeless lessons he’s learned in achieving business success. The ideas include the following;

·         Thinking from a different perspective and being unique

·         Putting the customer first in any situation

·         Inventing new things to boost sale

Furthermore, the secret to making Bezos become a billionaire is that; he also runs other ventures, including a private space endeavor known as Blue Origin. As there’s a lot to learn from this business philanthropist, we will walk you through the best investing secrets of Jeff Bezos.

Entrepreneurship and Investing secrets of Jeff Bezos

Innovation can be a crucial factor in the success of economics at both macro and micro scales. While investment provides powerful fuel for creation, it may require a daunting process. On the flip side, Bezos achieve his life goals, and here are some of his entrepreneurship and investing secrets.

·         Bezos went public to forfeit control, answer stakeholders, and submit to strict regulation standard

·         He revolutionized customer’s loyalty concept with the debut of Amazon Prime

·         Bezos built a survivor by overcoming the onslaught of the 2000 dotcom bust 2008 recession

·         He positioned himself perfectly o gain from the world’s conversion to digitalization

·         From the tech industry, Bezos took the plunge by building one of the most successful hedge funds.

Bottom Line

There are many success stories and investing secrets in learning from Jeff Bezos. One thing we can not leave behind is the business code. He developed a business standard and strived to improve, innovate, and adapt to every shifting circumstances of modern-day technology. Nonetheless, Amazon is always working on adding new products and gives the best services.

9 Boring Businesses That Will Make You A Millionaire

In the age of flashy startups and high-tech ventures, many entrepreneurs overlook the goldmine hidden in "boring" businesses. Thes...